Sunday, June 10, 2007

Is Wedding Week over yet?

Ok, I don't know if I missed out on the timing, but I decided (after much thought) to share a few of my Wedding pics with you all. I just hope you can make them out ok, as they are pics of pics and my camera sometimes isn't the best. It's a collage of our Wedding photos that my darling Shannon made for us a few Christmases ago. We were into Cherubs then too, obviously.

Our wedding was nearly 19 years ago (second for both of us). We married in the garden of my next-door neighbour and it absolutely poured just beforehand. So much so that my eldest daughter Tracey (she's the one in the black & orange & was 3 months pregnant with our darling granddaughter Rebecca) and her partner got flooded in and had to take a huge detour to get to the wedding. Everyone was telling me it was time to get started, but I refused to get married til my girl arrived. However, they did make it and the sun shone on us anyway. Although we did get very dripped on from all the trees - lol.

In the top right pic, the young lady on the right with the big hair is my darling daughter (she will just love this pic), who was one of my bridesmaids, along with the shorter one, who is my dear step-daughter Jodie, who is now a mother of two herself. Mind you, I think I had big hair too. Ugh!

The top pic on the left is John & me with my dear old Dad, who passed away almost 17 years ago, aged 89. At least he stuck around to see me get married to my John. Sadly, my darling Mum had been gone for some time. (Damn, and now I'm crying as I type this).

We all had a great day, had a wonderful party afterwards in my neighbours house (they had lots of room) drank lots of French champagne donated by John's boss and now here we are, living happily ever after.

Hugz, Coll :-}


Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

UGH I will get you for posting those hideous pics of me ! At least you look gorgeous Mummy :)


Lori said...

Who ever said a man withyou husbands haircolor isn't "hot" (Handsome" needs glasses!!! All we have to do is click on your photos and they enlarge! Posting pictures drives me nuts! One day take about 6pictures and just play around with them (you don't have to post) just to get the hang of it! Before you know it you'll think you've got it and Oops! one will disappear, happens to all of us! Great job! Lori

Natasha Burns said...

Great pics, wish we could see Shannon's hair a bit closer! (Didn't we all have big hair 19 years ago? oh I shudder to think....)

PurpleFlowerFairy said...

aw coll, what a sweet post... lucky you and john!!! here's to happily ever after. hugs, debbie

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Ohh, wonderful wedding collage! Here's to many years of happily wedded bliss!

Angelic Accents