Thursday, February 14, 2008

I miss them already!

Shannon, Shane & Sam have gone away for a few days, as you probably all know. A friend of mine has a gorgeous caravan (I'm told it's just like a small holiday apartment) on our beautiful South Coast, so they've gone there for a little R & R.

Can you believe I miss them already, and they only went this morning - lol. It's not as though I see them every day, but..... I sure miss my little man.

They certainly need the break, they haven't had any time out since Shane was so ill and this is just what they need. And today the Gods smiled on us & the sun finally came out, so hopefully the weather will be nice for them too.

I was feeeling a little depressed about this (how did you guess), so I took the opportunity to get into the garden again. Our front garden has dried out enough to be able to work in it, but the back is still waterlogged, bit like a bog really, that's gonna have to wait. Hopefully we might get some more sunshine (pleeese, pleeese, pleeese).

I picked some of the few remaining roses that weren't ruined in the storms & brought them inside, so that brightened me up.

Isn't this the most glorious pink. It's a very old English rose called Olde Fragrance & it has that olde worlde musky perfume that, for me, is what makes a rose. Never can understand people who have roses with no perfume, it's just wrong.

I've put them on a little table between the dining room & the kitchen, so every time I walk through I can smell their beautiful perfume.

Now, if pink roses don't make me feel chirpier, nothing will.

Hugs, Coll :-}

PS: I wonder if Shann is having computer withdrawal yet - hee hee.


Alison Gibbs said...

Oh I am sure Shann is having Computer Withdrawal. Hope she's not gone too long or she will need sedating!!LOL
What a gorgeous rose

Anonymous said...

Hi Coll,

Wow, I love those beautiful pink roses, mind if I come over and snip a few?? Your loving family will be back before you know it. I too love it when the sun is out, especially during the winter doldrums. Have a blessed day Coll.

LeAnn :)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your roses are beautiful! I can almost smell their sweet fragrance!

Thank you for visiting me today!! Happy Valentines Day to you Coll!

Country Wishes said...

Those roses are beautiful, what a glorious color!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I'm sure they are having a wonderful time, but I do understand about missing them. When either my mom and I are travelling, we really miss each other, even though we don't see each other every day. It's just the knowing that they are too far away.
Your roses are beautiful. :)

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Hi Colleen!! Your roses are so beautiful! No wonder they helped to cheer you up! I know you miss Shannon and little Sam! I know how you feel... My daughter and my sweet grandson, Landon, who is three, have been away in another state with my daughter's fiance visiting his family for 5 WEEKS! 5
whole weeks..... Lord, I miss them so much. If they don't come home soon I think I am going to have to go get them!! LOL! I'll be thinking of you, but am happy that Shane, Shannon and Sam have an opportunity to get away for a bit. They will be home soon! Hang in there sweetie!!


PurpleFlowerFairy said...

what gorgeous roses coll! i so WISH i had rose bushes. the one time i tried, i killed it within weeks - lol! =( hang in there, shann and sam will be back before you know it and you can smother them in kisses & hugs! i am sure that shann IS going to have computer withdrawal - lol! but i'm sure they will all have a wonderful time. happy valentine's day! hugs, debbie

Wanda said...

What a lovely color. To match your lovely blog.

Happy Valentines Day friend.

kari and kijsa said...

just bopped by to wish you (belatedly!) Happy Valentine's Day!

kari & kijsa

S said...

Oh, I understand how you feel about missing mum went on a trip today on the PNO and I miss her just knowing shes not here! They will be home soon.

I love your Olde Fragrance Roses!!!

Siobhan xo

FrostingsNSparkles said...

That is an absolutley perfect pink, Coll!! Love it :) I hope Shann and the clan have a lovely holiday, looking forward to seeing the piccs :)

Anonymous said...

Those Roses are to die for!!! How totally Gorgeous. Shann must have the withdrawls BIG time!! Poor thing, they so totally deserve the break and Im super happy that they were finally able to take one.
Cyber hugs to you sweet Coll!!

Unknown said...

Hi Coll,

Your roses are so gorgoeous? I've never grown roses but I think they are jsut so pretty. I'm sure they are having the best time. Is a caravan considered a beach home in Australia? Hope you have a great week!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Coll! Hope the kids have a wonderful vacation. I'd miss that cute little Sam, too! He's got THE BEST smile, don'tcha think?!?

Beautiful roses!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Col
I bet you miss S, S & S! Good you can get out in the garden again, crazy weather, we're so dry and hot again her in Melbourne. Beautiful photo of the rose