Sunday, June 10, 2007

I'm having trouble moving my pics around

Now I know the wedding pics are all over the place, but I just haven't quite got the knack of moving them where I want them. Help Shannon!!! Just when I think I've got it right and I know what I'm doing, I stuff it up and everything disappears. But I will prevail, as some bright spark once said.
Coll :-}


Natasha Burns said...

Don't worry it happens to everyone! I thought it was just me too.... The way I do it is I upload my photos in reverse, that is, I work out the order I want them to show, then upload the bottom one first, then the second from bottom etc. Once I started moving them around they somehow became 'not clickable' to enlarge, it's really badly designed.... it's not you!

Unknown said...

You make me laugh!! Dont worry, you are not alone!