Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother's Day, a little late

I know it's a bit late, but, better late than never, as they say in the classics. (Who is "they" anyway? or is that are they)? Oh, who cares.

Anyhoo, we all had a wonderful Mother's Day at my house. Unfortunately, my two eldest granddaughters couldn't come as they were both working at their part-time jobs. Alexandra, 17, is still in high school (her last year) & Rebecca (19) is at University studying Nursing. They are gorgeous, hard-working girls & I did miss them.

But, my lovely 15 yr old granddaughter Jessica (she prefers Jess) was with us & the twin terrors, Mr Sam & Miss Kaitlyn. My darling eldest daughter Tracey, Kaitlyn's Mum was here, my sweet SIL Todd was back from working in Darwin, and of course, Shannon & Shane.

We all had a great time, the weather was TERRIBLE, cold & wet, but who cares. Although, we were going to the lake to feed the ducks & the geese. Oh well, maybe sometime soon.

We ate a lot, drank some Champagne (just us Mums of course) & had a bit of a giggle. AND, I got some lovely pressies.

Shannon made me a gorgeous box for my bits-n-pieces, covered in beautiful papers, flowers, vintage buttons & the cutest lil birdie (can you see him). She also painted me a lovely sign to hang on my wall & I got CHOCOLATES TOO(yummm). Mr Sam made me a gorgeous tissue box cover (he knows Nanny can't ever be without tissues), with maybe a LITTLE help from Mum. Dont'cha love it?

Tracey & Todd & the girls gave me heaps of the MOST GORGEOUS teatowels for my new kitchen, all colour matched, pink-n-pretty, with cuppies & sodas & stripes & things. I don't think I want any of them to get dirty, they're just too pretty.

Not only that, they also gave me MICHAEL BUBLE'S latest CD. We are going to see him in exactly 10 days!! Am I excited? You betcha!!

12 rows from the front!! WOOHOO!! (oops, excuse me).

And, of course, Shannon & Tracey, when they get together, are just as bad as the littlies, always up to something.

Wonder what these two were up to while the grown ups weren't watching?

And, I know Shannon wants me to put this on my blog, even if she didn't say so (I hate all my photos). She looks gorgeous, anyway. (Do you think maybe the sepia hides my wrinkles?)
Hope you all had as wonderful a Mother's Day as I did.

Hugs, Coll :-}


Anonymous said...

Hi Coll,

Awww, what sweet presents you got. I am so glad you had a Happy Mothers Day. I have missed your posts sweetie. I love the picture of you and Shannon. Have a wonderful rest of the week.


Alison Gibbs said...

Good to have you back posting again.
What a great Mother's Day. Any excuse for a family get together is wonderful. Lots of lovely pressies too - lucky you.
Love your banner - did you do it??

Unknown said...

Coll, your gorgeous!! It sounds like you had a perfect time! LOVE ALL your new gifts! The pretties from Shann and Sam and the towels, how perfect! Michael Buble is a hottie, isnt he?? LOLOL!!! Lucky you! I know you will have a wonderful time!

I LOVE your new banner too!!!!!

Love ya,

Bek said...


Glad you had a great mothers day your gifts were lovely. I am sorry that I have not posted you prize out yet. I have been out of action with the Children sick with a terrible gastro bug that they got again. We are all on the mend now and will be posting your goodies out soon. It just makes mothers day last longer:)

Kara said...

oh hello my sweet aussie mom, lol.
Thanks for the gorgeous comment, yeah I am back.
What lovely presents you recieved shan was super talented as always and looks like sam may give her a run for her money.
take care

Fete et Fleur said...

How fun! They spoiled you like they should!!

xx Nancy

S said...

Hi Coll,

You got spoilt on Mother's Day didn't you? Glad you had a lovely day.


PurpleFlowerFairy said...

hey coll =) looks like all of you enjoyed yourself immensely!!! i sure wish you lived closer... hugs, debbie

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Love the tissue box for "Nanny"! You lucky gal..have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Coll...
How wonderful to be able to see your Mother's Day goodies... and your sweet family pictures, too! Sounds like your day was filled with blessings... as they all should be. Thanks so much for the visit the other day and your sweet comment... hope all's going well...


Unknown said...

Hi Coll,

You look great. I'm not a big fan of my photos also. I get maybe one good one out of a thousand, LOL. Love all of your goodies and I almost forgot to get back with you with the baby coming home and all about Sydney's name. Sydney is a very popular name here in the states for little girls. Is it as popular in Australia? My daughter and son in law just loved the name. Hope you are having a good week.

Donna said...

Hello, Coll!!! Ooooh - what a lovely photo!! You look beautiful in it! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog so that I have now found yours! Your kitchen redo was amazing!! It is GORGEOUS! What I would give to have a window in my kitchen! (Can you imagine? Not one window!)... I'm so glad I came for a visit. I'll be back often ... Donna (

Carol Anne's Boutique said...

Hi Coll, Just wanted to stop in to say hi! What beautiful presents you received! Love all of the pictures! Nothing brings more happiness than when you have your family with you!
Love & Hugs,
Carol Anne

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

This looks like so much fun, Coll!

Next year, can I drag my family over to your house? We could make it one big party (well, at least louder since there are just three of us!). Your gifts are lovely - they know how to treat you right ;)

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Happy Mothers day alil late!
It looks like you had a great day and got lots of wonderful prezzies!

You are beautiful....wrinkles or not!!!!

Hugz, Dolly

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

oooh nice haul coll and that sam wow can he embellish !
I love the box shan made you she is so Clever.She must take after her mother lol